We're thrilled to announce a new tour of Trout Creek led by local historian Mary Trainer. This hiking and biking tour focuses on the creek itself, exploring the fascinating history of the area, from the mouth of Trout Creek Canyon down the creek to the shores of the lake.
Highlights include; * the history of Sun Oka Provincial Park *
Trout Creek Bridge & floods of 1948 & 1972 * the mouth of Trout Creek Canyon including the remnants of the dam and flume crossing * former sites of the Pierre home, entomology lab, & footbridge * Cottonwood preserve * Current restoration of the creek.
Saturday, October 26th; 10am to 12pm
Tickets are very limited so early booking is recommended!
Tickets are $20 for SMAS members and $25 for non-members
Call 250-494-9395 or visit the museum to book your place